

救援被遺棄的達利(Dalit) 賤民 以生計/教育找回人的尊嚴

提案人 : 中央大學尤努斯社會企業中心
目標NT $300,000
已募NT $354,800
台幣 118.27%
集資期間:2017-09-20 ~ 2017-11-20




Jwagal, Lalitpur
Phone: +977-9869861402
Email: www.wdac.org.np


位於尼泊爾第二省的Dhanusa縣為全國76個縣其中之一。以Janakpur為首府的Dhanusa縣,其土地面積占有1,180平方公里且人口數達75萬4,777人,主要語言為邁蒂利語。大部分在Madhesh地區的人們主要的生計收入來自於農業,然而,這樣的狀態在這些日子以來已經有所改變,人們對於外國的雇用工作更加感到興趣,甚至該地區的大多數年輕人從農村移居到海灣國家從事勞動工作。這樣的情況也造成其他年輕人的心態受到很大的影響,同時也顯著增加了教育機構的輟學率。另一方面,父權社會造成的不良影響無疑地增加了性別不平等、早婚、嫁妝制度、難以控管的外國僱用工作等不良弊端。由於這些原因,使我們WDAC(Women Development Advocacy Center, 婦女發展倡議中心)於該地區開始進行「Madhesh人學習倡議計畫」,並且努力地成長茁壯來完成既定目標。




在Madhesh學習倡議計畫的教育和經濟範疇裡,其中牽涉到的利害關係人有孩童、家長、公立小學、教師、校長以及關注此專案的當地居民,直到現在,我們已經挑選出四間公立小學並提供來自社區的教師,當我們的團隊在Dhanusha縣挑選學校時,我們發現Musahar社區的人們想要成立自己的學校,並且正在尋求幫助。我們估算了他們的需求,且因為對於社區裡的孩子而言,成立學校是優先,我們提供四位教師至Musahar仍在籌備的學校中。我們在Dhanusha縣挑選並提供教師的四間學校分別為Sinurjora的Shree Janajat小學, Shree國立小學、Baghchoda, Shree國立小學、Baniniya, Shree Lower中學、Shree Rajdevi社區學校(這個學校就是我們在Musahar社區設立並提供四位教師的學校),除了支付教師的薪水之外,我們也在近期視察Janakpur的領導能力及課堂教學的行程中,提供為期兩天的教師培訓課程。培訓課程主要聚焦在什麼是教學、成為教師的過程,與對於懲罰的挑戰及其替代方案。教師們的互動成果成為新學年教學訓練的基石,過程中教師們也指出學校缺乏適當的基礎建設、教學方法的規則和訓練,皆是對他們要提供效率教學和教學環境給孩童的的一大挑戰。
Musahar社區共300個家庭,分佈在四個不同的聚落中。在這些家庭中,受教育人口只有4個。大多數家庭透過捕魚謀生,而孩子們則被家長視為應該從事相同的工作(捕魚謀生)而不是去學校。狩獵和捕魚是社區主要從事的活動。Mithila Wildlife Trust的主席Dev Narayan Mandal先生見到了此現象後,在Musahar社區提倡教育,讓孩子們的學齡文化發生了變化。社區附近共有2所公立小學,在Musahar的學校開學前就有30名兒童入學,現在則有200名兒童抱持著不同程度的熱情與受教意識前往Musahar的學校。WDAC團隊任命的4位教師相當積極主動,並且是目前社區變革的推動者。同樣地,女性人口或大多數母親也扮演著積極將孩子帶到學校的角色,然而大多數男性則是賺多少錢就花多少錢在喝酒上。
就基礎設施而言,已建成的學校依舊資源短缺,但是從孩子們的學習意願以及老師的積極推動的力量是驚人的。教師們已經同意於每季根據他們的表現更新協議,而他們已經提交了第一份協議了。Madhesh學習倡議計畫的貸款部分將由Dev Narayan Mandal先生負責督導,讓他對於社區的每個決策過程中,都能有其主體意識。

D) Madhesh學習倡議計畫圖片紀錄


右側圖示:在Dhanushadham, 01, Janakpur的Musahar家庭

上面的圖片為Musahar社區所建的Shree Rajdevi社區學校。不只基礎設施脆弱,也缺乏基礎學校設備。每天有200名兒童來到學校,並由WDAC任命的教師在4間教室教授。



Shree Janajat小學、Sinurjora, Shree國立小學、Baghchoda, Shree國立小學、Baniniya, Shree Lower中學、Shree Rajdevi社區學校


2018年3月進度報告 - 英文版




Progress Report on

Madhesh Learns Initiative

Implemented by: Women Development Advocacy Center

Jwagal, Lalitpur Phone: +977-9869861402

Email: www.wdac.org.np

Supported by: Social Impact Institute of Taiwan & YSBC, NCU, Taiwan


Dhanusa District, a part of Province No. 2, is one of the 76 districts of Nepal. The district, with Janakpur as its district headquarter, covers an area of 1,180 km² and has a population of 754,777. The most common language spoken in Dhanusa is Maithali. Most of the people in Madhesh are dependent on agriculture as their main income for livelihood. However, things have changed in recent days and people are more attracted towards the foreign employment and most of the youths in this region even from the rural parts have landed mainly in gulf countries for labor jobs. This has also put good impression on the mindset of the other young people which has significantly increased the dropouts from the educational institutions. On the other side the adverse effect of patriarchal society has certainly enhanced the malpractices like gender inequality, early marriage, dowry system, unmanaged foreign employment and so on. For reasons as such WDAC aims to work in the district and with the initiation namely “Madhesh Learns Initiative”, we thrive to achieve the set goals and objectives.

  • What is Madhesh Learns Initiative?
  • Current Status of Madhesh Learns Initiative

Madhesh Learns Initiative was born right after our flood response program in July 2017. We learnt that the quality of life in the flood affected areas is very low. As a social enterprise, we felt that improving the quality of life for the affected population requires multi-pronged approach. It requires investing in children’s education early on, and it also requires creating economic incentives for parents to be entrepreneurial and send their children to schools. Through this initiative, WDAC wants to educate children in the primary grades from the underprivileged communities and create economic and entrepreneurial opportunities for the parents (specially the mothers).

Larger and longer term goal for Madhesh Learns Initiative is to look in the school enrollment and post enrollment to strengthen the children’s educational outcomes for the families keeping Livelihood Loans dependent upon the students, teachers, schools and parents performance. The Initiative aims to improve the quality of education in primary grades in Madhesh. It also envisions to improve the economic and entrepreneurial opportunities for the families of the children.

At the beginning of our work in terms of improving quality of education and livelihood in Madhesh, the student enrollment and teacher’s performance will be reviewed. The teachers we have provided have already started teaching in the schools. They have also started working as social mobilizers. We do not want to limit the initiative only to providing teachers and loans. We will rigorously evaluate and reflect on our work. Ideally through Madhesh Learns Initiative, we want to work on the holistic school development and provide sustainable means of livelihoods to the parents. However, it also depends on the demand we receive from the community, local offices and schools. We do not want to impose our ideas in the name of improving quality of education and livelihood if there is no ownership and demand from the community side. Therefore, our core mantra of this initiative would be to build meaningful relationship in the community and work in their best interests.

The initiative team will be responsible for evaluating the teachers on a quarterly basis. The team will be also allowed to evaluate other teachers in the schools. Based on the evaluation, the schools will have to take corrective measures to improve their school performance. If the measures are not taken properly, the Initiative can be discontinued from the school. This agreement has been understood by the school teams, local office personnel and Madhesh Learns Initiative members.

Objective: Through this program, the impact and the learning achieved through livelihood loans on education, we intend to push the indicators to the local cooperatives as one of the lending criteria to be incorporated as there are lots of banks promoting lending to these families just focusing on making them consume more in non- productive stuff. We aspire to connect the education and lending for overall economic empowerment.

Education and Livelihood component of Madhesh Learns Initiative involves stakeholders ranging from children, parents, public primary schools, teachers, headmasters and the concerned local bodies. Until now, we have been able to select a total of 4 public primary schools and provided them with teachers from the communities. While our team was in Dhanusha to select the schools, we learnt that a Musahar community wanted to establish its own school and they were looking out for support. Their needs were assessed and school was identified as the priority for the children in the community. So, we have provided 4 teachers to the school that is still in the process of establishment. The schools to whom we have provided teachers are – Shree Janajati Primary School, Sinurjora, Shree National Primary School, Baghchoda, Shree National Primary School, Baniniya, Shree Lower Secondary School, Bhangwa, and Shree Rajdevi Community School (4 teachers; this is the same school that runs in the Musahar community). In addition to paying their salary, we also provided a two day teacher orientation during our recent visit to Janakpur on Leadership and Classroom Teaching. The orientation mainly focused on what teaching is, the process of becoming a teacher, the challenges and alternatives to punishment. The interaction from the teachers paved way for the training that is being planned for the new academic year. The teachers also pointed out that lack of proper infrastructures, Rules and Training on teaching methodology are the challenges for them to provide effective teaching and teaching environment for the children.

The appointed teachers are also responsible in maintaining the parent-teacher relation along with closely working to improve the quality of classroom teaching. They have also been appointed as the Social Mobiliser for Madhesh Learns Initiative. In the capacity of a social mobiliser, they will be closely coordinating with the parents of the children enrolled in their school. An employment survey was designed by the team and the teachers’ were oriented on doing a survey at the Musahar community mostly to identify their income source, employment, needs and family size.

The Musahar community comprises of a total of 300 households that spreads over four different clusters. Among these households, only 4 literate population was traced. Most of the families earn their living through fishing. Children are seen to be engaged in the same instead of going to schools. Hunting and Fishing are the major activities of engagement for the community. Having seen this, Mr. Dev Narayan Mandal, Chair at Mithila Wildlife Trust proposed to incentivize education in the same community. This brought about a change in the school going culture among the children. There are a total of 2 public primary schools near the community, 30 children were enrolled in the schools prior to the initiation of the Musahar School. Now, 200 children go to the Musahar school with a different level of enthusiasm and awareness. The 4 teachers appointed by the team at WDAC are motivated and are the agents of change for the community at the moment. Similarly, the female population or mostly the mothers are active members in bringing their children to the school as most of the men earn and spend the same on alcohol.

In terms of the infrastructure, the school that has been built is very weak. However, the willingness to learn from the children's’ side and the motivation from the teacher’s side is incredible. The teachers have agreed upon renewing their agreement on the basis of their performance every quarter and they have already submitted to the first agreement. The loan component of Madhesh Learns Initiative will be under the supervision of Mr Dev Narayan Mandal as he works in a way to provide a sense of ownership in every decision making process at the community.









  1. 男孩會被送至當地的寄宿學校以獲得更好的教育,然而女孩則被送至當地的公立學校。
  2. 大多數的孩童都是來自達利人家庭,因此他們並不把「提供女兒受教育」當作優先考慮的事。
  3. 在這些學校中,其他計畫是沒有獲得支持的。而且校方並沒有針對入學及入學後的學生設置獎勵機制來加強他們的學習成效。
  4. 295戶來自Mushar社區的家庭想要創立一個合作學校,當地的婦女和青年已經開始進行施工及基礎建設,預計建造到學校三年級的部分。他們得知我們支持此專案計畫後,當地青年與婦女貢獻了價值約600美金的資源與人力。


  • 更宏觀、長遠的目標,是關注入學及就學後的情況,以強化達利學童的教育成效,所以達利家庭的生計貸款是取決於學生、教師及學校和家長的表現。(多種評估指標是由校長、區長及現任教師所共同訂定。)
  • 第一階段,我們會選出四所學校,其餘學校則會視下列情況決定是否加入此專案計案中。
    • 當地社區:區長承諾提供WDAC婦女發展倡導中心所招募的教師25%-50%的薪水。
    • 所有現任教師承諾每三個月接受評估一次,並且共同接受補強措施。
    • 在評估學生的學習成果後,每三個月會與學校及教師續約。
  • 我們招募了7位教師,4位女性,3位男性。教師徵選是由WDAC婦女發展倡導中心、當地區長、校長共同進行面試。
  • 教師也會承擔社會動員者的功能,我們意圖透過微型企業家的模式,將與生計、監督、教育相關的結果串聯起來,為這些家庭 灌能。
  • 在六個月的學校績效評估後,表現最優良的學校能獲得資源成立電腦教室,資源由WDAC婦女發展倡導中心提供。
  • 這些教師會接受基礎的教師專業培訓,並且著手進行撰寫教案,確切的培訓日期還在與諮詢顧問團隊們討論。










目前專案款項已由度度客轉匯給台灣影響力研究院,並由研究院轉匯給尼泊爾WDAC婦女發展倡導中心 (Women Development Advocacy Center)及國王學院尤努斯中心,我們將會在1月更新經費使用的情況。





遠在台灣的我聽聞這個消息,便思考要如何能幫忙這些災民呢? 於是,在經過許多次的問題了解與資源探詢後,台灣社會影響力研究院的吳嘉沅理事長與度度客的石宗仁先生願意大力地來支持這個募資計畫,有了這個難得的緣起,以及十方善友的贊助支持,才讓這個善的計畫能夠順利地募集到比預期還多的資源,在此,我們也特別感謝法鼓山般若讀書會的大力支持。




沈建文 敬上

本專案由 中央大學協力提案