A Smile for Christmas/聖誕送暖



提案人 : 台大NPO管理課(NTU NPO Management Class)+ 安得烈食物銀行(Andrew Charity Associations)
目標NT $29,000
已募NT $30,401
台幣 104.83%
集資期間:2019-11-27 ~ 2019-12-23

專案簡介/Our project




We are five international exchange students at NTU who feel we have been welcomed to Taiwan with open arms. In the spirit of the generosity and warmth of the Taiwanese people, we would like to give back by partnering with Andrew Charity Association to provide children in the Taipei area with Christmas gifts in addition to their monthly food boxes delivered by Andrew Charity Association.

幫助誰呢?Who we want to help

本次專案主要幫助安得烈慈善協會在新店地區所援助的弱勢家庭孩子 ,儘管是在熱鬧的新店區,卻是在這城市的邊緣 ,大多家庭經濟狀況不佳。家中的照顧者為了生活需要外出工作,通常孩子們下課後就會到課輔班讀書寫作業,等到晚上家長再來接回去。因著看見他們的需要,課輔班老師幫忙向安得烈慈善協會申請食物箱的幫助,攜手關懷這些孩子的生活需要和課業照顧。


This crowdfunding project aims to help children in New Taipei’s Xindian district that receive services from Andrew Food Bank. The families that receive assistance from Andrew Food Bank live on the outskirts of a vibrant Xindian District, yet their economic situations are dire. The guardians of these children work until late, so the children often go to an after-school daycare to finish their homework and wait for their guardians to pick them up. Their teacher at the daycare saw that these children needed assistance and sent an application to Andrew Charity Association to help provide support together.

The food boxes from Andrew Food Bank are what these children look forward to the most every month. With the Christmas holidays coming up very soon, we hope to give them another reason to smile in addition to their boxes of food…something small but enough to surprise them and let them know that someone out there cares about them.

「聖誕送暖」的理念 / Why "A Smile for Christmas"



The holidays are a wonderful, joyous time of the year, and through the act of giving, we show that we care for our friends, family and loved ones. This holidays, however, can also be a tough time of the year for those with lesser means. That's why this Christmas, we want to let a child in need know that we are thinking of them, even if they cannot see us. A gift is a great symbol of love and hope. Our hope is that your gift will let them know that there is a community that cares about them, and help bring joy and happiness. We are aware that not all celebrate Christmas in Taiwan, but even with our different cultural backgrounds, we may share the idea that the winter holidays is a time for giving and sharing with our family and community. And so we hope that in the giving of presents it will help the children enjoy the end of the year and share in this experience too.

我們的目標 / What we hope to achieve


Andrew Charity Association relies on monthly donations to serve over 5000 children in need across Taiwan. We hope to help raise funds for children in need in the Taipei area for their December food boxes and a small Christmas gift for them.

贊助人可怎幫忙? How you can help!


We believe that Christmas should be special for everyone. Help us make that true by donating to Andrew’s Charity! Our goal is to raise funds so that as many children can receive a food box and Christmas gift as possible. We are partnering with Andrew Charity Association whose work is dedicated to helping children from under-privileged backgrounds. By donating through Dodoker, you can make sure a child in need receives a food box and a Christmas gift this holiday season.

提案人自介/ Who We Are


We are five international exchange students at NTU. Hailing from France, Ireland, Japan/US, Germany/Turkey, and Australia – we almost have every continent covered! Meeting in a nonprofit management class, we were given the project of finding a cause we believed needed support. And so in reflecting on our time in Taiwan so far, we realized that we wanted to give back after all the warmth and generosity we had experienced here. Having fond memories of our childhood holidays, we thought it would be nice to somehow give Taiwanese children in need an experience we have been fortunate to grow up with. At the end of the day, we know life can be difficult and disappointing, and so we just hope to make the children smile – to give them a nice experience, and let them know we care.



Our partner for this project, Andrew Charity Association, was established in 2011. The aim of the organization is to help children aged 0-15 years old grow healthily and happily. So far, the organization has assisted 5,000 children and helped years helped more than 220 thousand people. Andrews Charity sends specially boxes with essentials including prescribed nutrition, food, powdered milk, and diapers. They also promote education through scholarships and running camps for the kids.

Andrew Charity Association websitehttps://www.chaca.org.tw/

資金規劃/ How the funds will be used

本次專案所募得的經費規劃,主要作為所幫助的弱勢家庭孩子所需要的食物箱費用和聖誕禮物的準備,除了度度客收的服務費 、回顧費用以及運費,所有募款所得均用在安得烈所援助的弱勢家庭孩子們身上。

All funds raised will directly go to covering costs for December food boxes and Christmas gifts for around 20 children in need in Xindian District in New Taipei.

經費應用/fund usage
物資採購費用 (food box costs) 20,000元 預計幫助20人 (will help around 20 children in need)

禮物採買費用 (Christmas gift costs for 20 children) 5,000元

度度客收的服務費 8% (8% Dodoker service fee ) 2,000元

【25,000*1.08=27,000, 27,000-25,000(物資採購費用+禮物採買費用= 2,000】

回顧費用+運費 (rewards and postage costs) 2,000元

共計 (total funds needed) 29,000元

若超過如何使用? What if we reach above our goal?


As previously stated, Andrew Charity Association serves over 5000 children in need throughout Taiwan. If we are able to raise more funds than our goal amount, this will go to providing monthly food boxes to more children. If we do not reach our goal amount, however, all collected funds will be returned to our donors.

回饋品介紹 / Our rewards for your donations are...

  • 300元捐款 電子感謝卡 / 300 NTD for an e-thank you card from the student team
  • 500元捐款 電子感謝卡 + 電子聖誕卡 / 500 NTD for an e-thank you card and a e-Christmas card designed by the student team
  • 1000元捐款 電子感謝卡 + 明信片 / 1000 NTD for an e-thank you card and a paper post card designed by the student team
  • 2000元捐款 電子感謝卡 + 明信片 + 安得烈協會感謝狀 + 感謝影片 / 2000 NTD for -thank you card, a paper post card, a certificate of appreciation from Andrew Charity Association, and a thank you video from the student team

*make sure to leave your email and postal address to receive our rewards!


  1. 若此募資專案未達預期目標,全數的贊助金額扣除手續交易費後,全額退還給所有贊助人。
  2. 募資專案成功並結束後,會以郵寄的方式寄出回饋品,惟本島以外的地區郵資須自付。
  3. 請贊助人須提供正確完整之姓名、聯絡手機、電子郵件、聯絡地址(含郵遞區號),以便回饋品送達。
  4. 目前回饋品之設計樣式僅供參考,仍須以實品為主,還請多加包涵。
  5. 回饋品將於專案執行後,於一個月內寄出。
  6. 如需開立捐款收據,請贊助人註明全名抬頭及統一編號。




To our donors,

We would like to thank you for bringing our vision to life and further exemplifying Taiwan’s generosity and warmth. We hope that the holidays are just as joyful and special for you too – whether you are like us, celebrating your first Christmas here, or it is one of many. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

本專案由 台灣大學協力提案