

Rescue dogs urgently need your help to secure their home.

提案人 : Marius Brenzinger-Antoine Collard-Alexander Giersz-Mia Nicolas
目標NT $50,000
已募NT $81,600
台幣 163.2%
集資期間:2019-11-27 ~ 2019-12-26


The PACK Sanctuary is home to hundreds of homeless dogs. They urgently need funds to keep these beautiful dogs safe. The fencing for their enclosures are old and constantly battered by wind, sea mist and storms. This has left the fence rusted and broken, with many holes already being patched up. This fencing URGENTLY needs to be replaced so that the dogs are not able to escape and can continue living safely at PACK.


With your donation, YOU can make this happen and SAVE the dogs from having to go back to a life of fear and misery. It is only a matter of time until a dog will be able to break through the current fence. If the dogs escape, they will be lost and alone in the rugged and harsh terrain surrounding the sanctuary. The area is often hit with severe storms and rain, and there are many poisonous snakes that can harm and kill these poor dogs. With winter approaching please donate now so that YOU can keep these stray dogs safe, warm, and loved.

我們將如何使用所籌款項? How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?


The shelter covers 4,000 ping and currently hosts over 270 dogs. A secure fence is essential to provide a protected home for these abandoned dog and other dogs in need. It would help to create a place where they can be kept and rehabilitated until they find new owners or just to have a peaceful life. We would use the money to replace the fence meshing, fix locks to make sure the dogs have a safe environment and build visual barriers to reduce their stress levels. If, luckily, we exceed the funding goal, the money will go to pay for medicine, food and and others shelter expenses.

此專案背後的團隊是誰? Who are the people behind the project?

PACK的全稱是People for Animal Care and Kindness。我們是一個位於台灣北部的一個動物福利組織。我們的宗旨是進行救護狗狗照護工作,推廣台灣領養風氣並教育大眾狗狗行為知識。提高人們對動物健康與福利方面的意識。我們在三芝區的收容所收留了270多隻流浪狗。我們希望能為這些動物打造一個沒有痛苦的世界。為了實現這個目標我們和國立台灣大學的外國學生合作,發起了這個眾籌專案。

PACK stands for People for Animal Care and Kindness. It is an animal welfare organization based in northern Taiwan. Its dream is a world without animal suffering. Its goal is to eradicate animal suffering by rescuing unwanted animals from the streets and raise awareness about animal health and welfare. PACK’s shelter in Sanzhi, northern Taiwan, currently hosts over 270 dogs. To reach that goal, PACK has teamed up with students from National Taiwan University to run this crowdfunding campaign.


  1. 募得資金扣除回饋品成本及運費後將全數交由PACK運用。
  2. 若募資未達預期目標,全數的贊助金額扣除手續交易費後,將全額退還給所有贊助人。
  3. 若募款金額超出預期目標,將會將超出費用全額資助此專案。
  4. 募資專案結束後,會以郵寄的方式寄出回饋品,除本島以外的地區郵資須自付。
  5. 請贊助人務必提供正確完整之姓名、聯絡方式、地址(含郵遞區號)、以便回饋品寄出。
  6. 各項回饋品預計於募資成功後一個月內完成統計並寄出,還請耐心等候.
  1. After the funds are raised, after deducting the cost of returning goods and shipping costs, they will be handed over to PACK.
  2. If the fundraising does not meet the expected target, the full amount of the donations will be refunded to all sponsors after deducting the transaction fee.
  3. If the fundraising amount exceeds the expected target, the project will be fully funded in excess of the cost.
  4. After the fundraising project is completed, the rewards will be sent by post.
  5. The donor must provide their correct and complete name, contact information, address (including the postal code) to receive their reward.
  6. The rewards are expected to be completed and sent out within one month after successful fundraising. Please be patient.


Thank you for your support, YOU are making a difference! Because of you, dogs like US will have a better and safer life!

本專案由 台灣大學協力提案